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Committee positions for 2024-25 Season

Committee positions for 2024-25 Season

Chris Westall14 May - 22:23
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Please lend a hand to keep the club running smoothly next sason

As many of you know, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and I have worked incredibly hard for a second year. We've built a strong family atmosphere, seen some incredible victories, and brought back the spirit of this clubhouse in a big way. As John Heywood said in his book of proverbs, "many hands make light work," and with some of us approaching the end of our time here in the coming years it's crucial that we secure the future of this amazing club for generations to come.

That's why we're reaching out to all of you today. We're looking for passionate individuals who share our vision of a thriving, homegrown rugby club. We want to see the Juniors seamlessly transition into the Senior teams and continue a passion for rugby, building full local squads like the ones that brought us so much success in the past. We want to see the young people having rugby fun and taking part each week. We want to host tournaments and festivals. Our aim is to be the club of choice in Hampshire.

This is a family club and that goes beyond just players and parents - it's about creating a community where everyone feels welcome to contribute. Whether you have experience on the pitch, a knack for organising events, or simply a willingness to lend a hand, there's a place for you here. If you are short of time this is also no issue. If everyone was able to spare 10 minutes a week this club would excel (eg. stack up chairs, top up the milk jug, help open the kit shop, set up the pitch, help making tea & coffee, etc.)

By joining our volunteer team and doing whatever you can, it will help your young person adopt a commitment level and you'll be playing a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition through the age range & into the academy & beyond, helping to secure the future of the club and continuing the incredible work we've all done together over the past two years.

We're excited to have you join us. Let's keep the Eastleigh Junior Club spirit alive!

To chat about the roles & how you can help, please contact Junior Chair Vicki Quilter on eastleighpiratejuniors@gmail

For all those wishing to remain in their roles can they please send confirmation to Junior Secretary Lisa-Jane Johnson on by Monday 20th May.

Kind regards



Committee Positions 2024-25

Further reading